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Europalaan 400, 3526 KS Utrecht


+31 (0) 85 40 00 246



What customers ask about Beecot

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Can I try Beecot for free?

Yes, you can download the app for free from the Apple app store. On the login page you can choose to create a free demo account to test the functionalities of Beecot. Or you can join our Beecot challenge and get the validation done for you.

On what devices is Beecot available?

Beecot is currently available on Apple devices. Preferably Apple Pro devices, the LIDAR functionality on these devices is needed for acurate model aligning through 'corner matching'. Android support is on our roadmap.

With which BIM services can I connect?

Beecot is currently connected with Autodesk Construction Cloud and Catenda to visualise your models in the Beecot field app. BIMcollab will be supported per end of the year.

With which issue management service (BCF) can I connect?

Beecot supports the Buildingsmart open standard. It has BCF Issue integrations with BIMcollab and Catenda. Autodesk Construction Cloud will be supported per end of the year. Topics will be synced both ways. Please let us know in case you have a connection request. 

How can I visualize my models on site?

Beecot allows you to visualise your models in the field in 2D, 3D, VR and AR.

What model file types are supported by Beecot?

Beecot supports ICF files (IFC2x3, IFC4 and IFC4x3)